The book's publisher is CrammondMEDIA HERE
James Nixon's website HERE
JamesnixonBooks is the Australian paperback sales site, saving Aussies time and money - and ensures paperbacks don't have to fly the Pacific before getting to readers HERE
THE CRASH OF MH370, James' fourth book is HERE
The following websites may be of use to you, they have been invaluable to us:
World Health Organisation
First place to look for medical advice on health epidemics.
The United Nations Refugee Agency is also a great location for statistics and research on public health issues.
New York City's BedBug Site
The best place to go to find out about the world's number one traveller: the humble bedbug.
Get Rid Of Bed Bugs
The Sleep Help Institute's page on beg-bug removal.
Mayo Clinic
The first-ever aviation medical specialists, best repository for health information on the planet.
Google Scholar
The best place to find who's done the research on any topic.
The starting place, thought-provoking and raises many questions.
Quick reference for health issues.
Best way to get reliable information on precription drugs.
Support for Veterans with Sleep Apnea
A New Resource
My name is Matt Coveney and I work for an advocacy center called Veterans Guide.
Sleep apnea has been a VA-rated disability since 1996. Active duty service members are 34 percent more likely to report not getting enough sleep than civilians with no history of military service, in some cases sleep apnea could be playing a role for these veterans. Our mission is to assist veterans with the array of issues they may face, including obtaining proper disability compensation, financial and health assistance, information on the GI bill, and more. We have created some helpful guides and will continuously be adding more. Check it out:
Sleep Apnea VA Disability
VA Disability Appeals
What's important to us is providing resources and help for veterans and their families. We want to make sure vets have all the resources necessary to ensure they struggle with their health and finances as little as possible.
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Audible Audiobooks
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Navjot Singh
Eclectic British photo-journalist who spent many years living and working in China; contributed to the book by describing how to deal with Chinese toilets. He also proof-read an early draft.
Michael Blamey Photography
Australian photographer who contributed to the book by describing his battle with Malaria. It's hard to sleep well if there's a hungry mosquito nearby.